Kaplan Readiness Test Questions And Answers

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Kaplan readiness test

Which client does the nurse see first? A female client who reports urinary frequency and burning with urination. A client who reports experiencing constant hunger. Challenge a friend A female client who reports urinary frequency and burning with urination. Urinary tract infections are common in female clients with diabetes mellitus DM. The client has a physical need, but there is another client who is a higher priority. Correct Answer The lower blood pressure and hot, dry skin indicate dehydration caused by hyperglycemia. This is the first stage of diabetic ketoacidosis DKA. This client has a circulatory concern and is the highest priority. Frequent urination and thirst are symptoms of DM and suggests that the client's blood glucose is not well-controlled. However, the client is not currently unstable and is not the highest priority. A quick way to manually calculate a client's MAP is to double the diastolic blood pressure e.

How many questions are on the Kaplan readiness test?

Constant hunger is a symptom of DM and suggests that the client's blood glucose is not well-controlled. Decision Tree: This walk-through provides test-taking strategies to determine the correct answer for the different types of questions you will encounter on the NCLEX-RN exam. Terminology that is used here is often phrased as, "Who does the nurse see first? STEP 1: Can you identify the topic of the question? Most unstable client. Move to Step 5. Eliminate the stable clients. Is the client experiencing an expected or unexpected finding? Eliminate expected findings. Are the remaining answer options referring to airway, breathing, or circulation ABCs? Eliminate each non-priority answer option using the ABCs. Are the remaining answers options referring to acute or chronic situations?

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Eliminate the chronic situation answer options. Are the remaining answer options real actual or potential problems? Eliminate the potential problem answer options. Look at each answer option that remains and ask, what outcome do you want for this client? Does this answer option make sense in this situation? If yes, keep this answer option.

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Will this answer option help the client? Will this answer option hurt the client? If yes, eliminate this answer option. Unstable vs. Stable A female client who reports urinary frequency and burning with urination. Stable, yet unexpected. Select the best choice Is 2 the correct answer? Yes, this client is demonstrating signs of dehydration and DKA and should be assessed immediately.


Does 2 make sense? Yes, this is the most unstable client and should be seen first. Though client 1 may require treatment for a urinary tract infection and clients 3 and 4 require blood glucose monitoring, client 2 has objective signs of dehydration. Spacing out study makes it stick. Get practice questions emailed to you every day. Are you a permanent resident of Canada? You may withdraw your consent at any time. Kaplan, Inc. No matter where you are on your journey, Kaplan's expert teachers can help you raise your score. Find the course that fits you best. Test names are the property of the respective trademark holders, none of whom endorse or are affiliated with Kaplan.

kaplan nclex readiness test

You must meet the following eligibility criteria: Take the Kaplan Diagnostic and Readiness Tests from your online account. Attend all class sessions live, live online or online. Up to 2 live class sessions can be made up online as directed by Kaplan. Answer all questions on the seven Question Trainer tests. The money-back guarantee applies ONLY to the original 3- month enrollment, and does not apply to any enrollment renewal. To check your school's accreditation status with CASN, click here.

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Refund does not include shipping or installment billing fees. To claim the guarantee, you must meet the following eligibility criteria: Attend all class sessions live, live online or online. Take the Kaplan Readiness Test from your online account. Answer at least questions on your Online Question Bank before your exam date. If you choose to repeat the program, you will not be eligible for the money back option. Note: Kaplan is not responsible for information posted on this third party website.

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See kaplannursing. Test names are the property of the respective trademark holders, none of whom endorse or are affiliated with Kaplan.

NCLEX-RN Practice Test

Think through big concepts from start to finish, and become a pro at answering every type of question. Just the Facts Concise explanations capture everything you need to know. Want to get more nitty-gritty? Use in-depth content refreshers to boost your topic knowledge. Seeing Triple 3D images and animations bring complex concepts to life. Zoom in. Pan around. Learn by exploring the body, inside-out. Qbank not for you? Check these out. Self-Paced Take control of your prep with 6 months of our best on-demand videos and realistic practice.

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Join live or recorded classes on your schedule. Find the time that works for you, ask questions, and get answers—in real time. See kaplannursing. Test names are the property of the respective trademark holders, none of whom endorse or are affiliated with Kaplan.

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Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Answer at least questions on your Online Question Bank before your exam date. Maybe you have knowledge that, people have look numerous time for their favorite books taking into consideration this kaplan readiness test Kaplan pn readiness test questions admissions stanbridge university irvine. Kaplan Readiness Test kaplan readiness test My Kaplan instructor said to aim for at least a 55 on the readiness test. Kaplan readiness test answers that you are looking for. It will categorically squander the time.

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The nurse cares for a client with a cuffed tracheostomy tube. Before performing oral care, the nurse notes that the clients tracheostomy cuff is inflated. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate action for the nurse to take? Score your best on the University Clinical Aptitude Test with proven strategies from top-scoring teachers and access to test-like practice questions. Note Your school may schedule your Readiness Test after your last class. Important Students wont be able to review each individual question for their Diagnostic and Readiness Test, as these tests are not meant to be taken for review. The purpose of these tests is for our students to receive a score to know how they are performing at this point in their studies.

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Choose from different sets of kaplan nclex pn readiness test flashcards on Quizlet. We offer a variety of instruction options and exam prep study tools to best suit your learning style and schedule. When I taught Kaplan 65 was the magic number in the Readiness Test. For QBank I dont remember a specific number goal. We were told that doing at least questions was correlated with success.

Kaplan Readiness Exam - NCLEX Exam / Programs - allnurses®

Become a Member and Get full access to all exams in our website. Loading, Please wait Log In. Username or Email Address. Well help you find out what you do know and in what areas you still need some practice. I actually scored very well on the Kaplan readiness test with a Start studying Kaplan Readiness Test. Learn kaplan nclex pn readiness test with free interactive flashcards. Readiness Test- 59 the kaplan lady said to reschedule our exam if we didnt get a 60 on this 2 weeks before exam, but I didnt. I took my diagnostic and got a I have only taken QT averaging 48 to I have been doing Qbanks and averaging When should I take the Readiness test?

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Part of me really wants to get my Kaplan done so that my school will release my transcripts and I I was doing low-to-mid 50s on every Kaplan test, QBank, Question Trainers, readiness test, etc. Kaplan questions are like The patient is a 45yo female with twelve fingers. Kaplan offers test prep, license and certification exam prep, degree programs, English learning and pathway programs. Then, test your performance with our realistic Practice and Mastery Exams to measure your readiness for the actual securities exam. After you have reviewed your study materials, our instructor-led class ensures you fully understand key concepts prior to exam day. The Premium Instruction Package Includes Kaplans Admission Test is a tool to determine if students have the academic skills necessary to perform effectively in a school of nursing. The Admission Test is a question, multiple-choice test that evaluates the basic reading, math, writing and science skills of students seeking entry into a nursing program leading to RN licensure.

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