Quantitative Methods Exam Questions And Answers Pdf

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Quantitative Aptitude Questions and Answers

To get more information regarding the University of Mumbai Ph. Usually a research is said to begin with a question or a problem. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Evaluation Research summative and formative : Evaluation research studies the processes and outcomes aimed at attempted solution. Find PhD programmes abroad. Defining your research focus Task 2 peer-to-peer activity : 1. PhD all subjects previous year entrance exam papers A research proposal is a document of around 3,, words outlining the research you are going to undertake. Download PDF. Research Methods such as. Applications for admissions to the Spring, session have commenced. This objective entrance exam tests candidates in relevant subjects of separate Extension of last for submission of thesis for Ph.


Certificate course in Bio-statistics, Epidemiology and Research methodology is a 10 week's program, which accounts for a total of 6 credit hours. I also had the opportunity to make connections with fellow researchers from all around the world. This chapter will start with a good look at research methodology, and then will go on to look at research methods. PhD: 14 credit units including at least 9 credit units of core courses and at least 2 credit units of research methodology and ethics course at postgraduate level and. It has the academic rigour of a full-time PhD degree, and produces new and practical knowledge that can be absolutely relevant to your particular area of business. D programme of UP university? Which are the books available for this field? Name of educational institutions? The research topic pages give details of specific entry requirements, and provide contact details to discuss your suitability for the PhD.

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Full admission is obtained once the following criteria are met: 1. A PhD or master's degree by research can take two to four years of full-time study to complete. The Geography departments of both Vrije Universiteit Brussel and KULeuven continuously develop and maintain innovative and internationally recognised research programmes on fundamental and applied aspects of Geosciences, Human Geography, and Geo-Information Science covering a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. This invaluable guide answers the essential questions that students ask about research methods in a concise and accessible way. For anyone, there are fewer challenges and fear in the business world than figuring out how to respond to an RFP.

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Hameed Students are expected to submit an initial research proposal at the time of application. Aspirants with a post graduate masters degree in a related subject with minimum aggregate of 50 percent marks or equivalent grade point average GPA are eligible to apply. In qualitative research the number of participants is informed by the extent to which the research question has been addressed Marshall, ; McLeod, Genomic Technology. But writing a doctoral dissertation is much more difficult. Admission is based on both merit and on a competitive basis. Ultimately you have to show that your research is likely to be both original and finished — and that you understand the time involved. To create personnel for health manpower who will be endowed with a sense of dedication and a spirit of enquiry and will contribute substantially to the Alma Ata goals of health for all by A.

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The research methodology section of any academic research paper gives you the opportunity to convince your readers that your research is useful and will contribute to your field of study. Students are required to advance to candidacy by September 1 before the start of their fourth year in the program. The School of Social Work leads the profession in teaching, research, innovation, collaboration and service. Mc Cann. In the 7 Parts series which can be referred using below, the first six parts contain important short study notes useful for your paper 1 preparation while the 7th part contains solved question papers of last almost 12 years MCQ Question which is asked in the previous I have uploaded the books Study Material for Research Methodology Download Free Pdf.

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TIFR is a premier institute for research and education in India. Block-7 Qualitative Research Methods and Techniques. Abraham Kaplan defines research methodology in this way. A detailed listing of courses and alternatives is available from the program office. We'll review your answers and create a Test Prep Plan for you based A candidate is normally admitted to the Ph. Remember that your human resource research proposal is a very crucial factor in your study as this enables your readers to evaluate the credibility, value, and excellence of your paper. Background- At this point, you should give an in-depth analysis of the problem.

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The faculty members teach and do research in varied sociological specialities. You need to provide a blueprint for how you intend carrying out your research. Introduction to Research Methods Chapter Exam Take this practice test to check your existing knowledge of the course material. A literature review is an evaluative report of information found in the literature related to your selected area of study. Building excellence The Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill, renowned world-wide for cutting edge research, offers a PhD Program in Management where outstanding students conduct fundamental research at the frontiers of management knowledge and practice.

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A letter of recommendation for PhD aspirants is an important part of the admission documents. Entrance Test , check the page below. Important Dates 4 3. Students in either PhD program Statistics or Biostatistics may choose to pursue research in an interdisciplinary field of study. The program is designed to prepare nurses for careers as research scientists, often in academic or governmental positions. While other admission documents like transcripts and scores are factual, LOR is an independent human perspective of the applicant which connects the facts and plans of a resume and statement of purpose. Institute a clear and concise affiliation between your study and your methodology.

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Before going into the strategies of data collection and analysis, a set of hypotheses were developed. Paperback — 1 January We offer high-quality dissertations services that cover all chapters, all topics, and all niches. Students take foundational PhD-level courses in their areas of specialization, and then choose from a course list that spans the university, drawing from some of the best academic departments in the world.

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English language proficiency In order to study with us, you will need to have a good command of English. Research Methods for Medical Graduates, CRCPress, Explains A to Z of basics of medical research, extremely useful for postgraduate and doctoral theses in medicine, surgery, super-specialties, written in easy language that is conducive to medical graduates. Our internationally-recognized faculty members offer students strong, individualized mentoring. The difference in the techniques of basic and applied research is largely a matter of degree rather than substance. Organizational Behavior by Harris. It will be divided into four sections, as per the details furnished below; each section will carry equal marks 25 each ,totaling marks. Finally, graduates of the Ph. D management entrance test? Sample and previous years question papers for the entrance exam of Ph.

Quantitative Aptitude

Research methods are all those methods and techniques that are used for the conduction of research. Funding is available to help part-time study. It is intended to help you to think about your proposed PhD research in a clear, structured and meaningful way. Students appearing for the final examinations can also apply for the entrance examination. It summarises the question you want to answer through your research.

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It refers to the methods the researchers use in performing research operations. You'll also complete a research degree skills audit to help you and your supervisors identify the coursework and training that will support your research and career goals. Preparing a research proposal. Research Methodology Notes 3. Know all about Ph. You should also read the call for proposals carefully. Consequently, the service sector lacks conceptual frameworks that reflect the business model Research Methodology MCQ Multiple Choice Questions with blog, what is quora, what is yandex, contact page, duckduckgo search engine, search engine journal, facebook, google chrome, firefox etc.

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Course Work examinations. These studies span numerous disease areas including cancers, cardiovascular disease and infectious diseases within hospitals and use a range of health economics tools, especially micro-costing, modelling and discrete choice experiments The College of Education at the University of Florida is No. Sanjay Patil and Dr. D entrance exams, Ph. Students are required to take a minimum of nine units of advanced topics courses depth offered by the department not including literature, research, consulting or Year 1 coursework , and a minimum of nine units outside of the statistics department breadth.

What are typical quantitative research questions?

Research Methods Final Exam It is the pivot of a scientific research. All the research activities are designed for its verification. The nature of hypothesis can be well understood by differentiating it with other terms like assumption and postulate o 5. It has the empirical referent. A hypothesis contains some empirical referent. It indicates the tentative relationship between two or more variables. Enumerate the approachable hypothesis. In this case the null hypothesis is rejected and an alternative hypothesis is accepted in its place. If the data are consistent with the null hypothesis, then the null hypothesis is not rejected i. In neither case is the null hypothesis or its alternative proven; the null hypothesis is tested with data and a decision is made based on how likely or unlikely the data is. This is analogous to a criminal trial, in which the defendant is assumed to be innocent null is not rejected until proven guilty null is rejected beyond a reasonable doubt to a statistically significant degree.

Top 100 Quantitative Aptitude Questions and Answers

Learn how to use qualitative methods, such as focus groups and interviews, to support and strengthen your community assessment. What are qualitative methods of assessment? Why use qualitative methods of assessment? When would you use qualitative methods of assessment? How do you use qualitative methods of assessment? Using qualitative assessment methods rather than purely data-based information is crucial to understanding many community issues and needs. Numbers work well to show comparisons, progress, an statistics of community efforts, but they cannot express motives, opinions, feelings, or relationships.

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This section discusses how to use qualitative assessment methods and when to implement them into communtiy planning. They are often used when you need the subtleties behind the numbers — the feelings, small actions, or pieces of community history that affect the current situation. There are two major scientific ways of gathering information: quantitative methods and qualitative methods. Quantitative methods are those that express their results in numbers. That way, they can compare apples to apples — everything or everyone is measured by the same standard.

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Quantitative measures are often demanded by policy makers; they are considered trustworthy because their results can be measured against one another, and because they leave less room for bias. When you observe a complex situation, you may see a number of different aspects of it, and a number of ways in which it could be interpreted. As a result, researchers and policymakers sometimes see qualitative methods as less accurate and less legitimate than quantitative ones.

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Qualitative and quantitative methods are, in fact, complementary. Often, the most accurate information is obtained when several varieties of each method are used. There are a number of qualitative methods that can be used in assessment of issues or community needs. They include: Individual interviews. These may be structured interviews, where the questions are determined beforehand, or unstructured conversations that are allowed to range wherever the interviewee wants to go in relation to the general topic. Group interviews. These are similar to individual interviews, but involve two or more interviewees at a time, rather than one. At the same time, the interviewer has to be somewhat of a facilitator, making sure that no one person dominates, and that everyone gets a reasonable chance to speak.

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A special case of group interviewing is a focus group. This is a group of about people, led by a trained facilitator, assembled to answer a specific question or questions. If trained facilitators are available, focus groups can be a good way to get accurate information about an issue. Here, someone actually goes and looks at a place or event, watches situations or interactions, or takes part in the life of the community or a population while recording what he finds as a result. Community or other large meetings. They can draw on a large pool of opinions and knowledge at one time, and uncover disagreements or differences that can then be discussed. Interpretation of records, transcripts, etc. The last are not always useful in assessing community issues or needs, but they can be very effective in convincing policymakers or funders of the importance of those issues and needs. Many types of qualitative information are turned into numerical results, although not always accurately.

100 Top Research Methodology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

The transformation may miss important details, or the information may simply be too complex to fit easily into numerical constraints, unless you can create a computer model or similar number-based framework that has the capacity to take in an enormous amount of variety. There are many software programs — NVivo and Atlas. Since qualitative methods give you results that are not always easy to compare, or even to check for accuracy, people who want hard and fast evidence often see them as suspect. In fact, both quantitative and qualitative measures are important and necessary, depending on the situation. The problem is convincing those who need to be convinced — policymakers, funders, etc. There is a debate in the research community about how to judge qualitative methods.

Research Methodology MCQ Questions and answers pdf

Some say they should be evaluated by the same standards as quantitative methods. Others maintain that, because they are intrinsically different from quantitative methods, qualitative methods need a set of standards that take into account their philosophical base and the kind of information they yield. The British government, for instance, has developed a framework for demonstrating qualitative reliability, which includes a set of 18 questions that a qualitative assessment or study should be subjected to see Tool 1.

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Guidelines that can help you argue for the reliability of your qualitative assessment include: Report accurately and completely. The recording of interviews, observations, and other information should be as accurate and nearly complete as possible e. Frame the right questions, and direct them appropriately. Occasionally, it works to go fishing for information, i. You can quantify how many members of a specific minority live in a particular neighborhood.

Quantitative Methods Exam Paper

If you want your findings to be reliable, you have to screen out as much of the subjective as possible from what you find and record. One way to approach this issue is to have more than one person record and analyze each interview or observation, and then to check on how well they agree, both in their recording of the data and in their interpretation.

Quantitative Aptitude Questions and Answers PDF

Scientists, for instance, aim to be objective, and to understand the way things really are, rather than the way the scientists or others want them to be, or think they might be. A subjective observation, statement, opinion, or research finding, on the other hand, is based on the thoughts and assumptions of the person issuing it. A researcher may be so appalled by the conditions in neighborhoods where violence is rampant that she may begin to feel that violence is in fact the only rational response, and slant her research in that direction. Especially in community assessment, objectivity is vitally important. Objectivity in looking at the community will help you understand how to most effectively address issues, maximize and use assets, and solve problems. Understanding your own subjective reactions — to difficult conditions, to particular individuals, to cultural practices — will help you to screen them out, thereby increasing the reliability of your findings.

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The basic reason to use qualitative methods is that there are some kinds of questions and some dimensions of community assessment that can be better addressed by them than by quantitative methods. Since it may be hard to convince policymakers and others that qualitative methods are useful, however, why bother to use them at all? Qualitative methods can better answer the how and why questions, and also provide other information in the process. Qualitative methods generally go directly to those sources with more complex questions than quantitative methods. They can get at certain underlying realities of the situation. In an assessment situation, these can be crucial pieces of information. They can involve the population of interest, or the community at large, in helping to assess the issues and needs of the community.

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This participation fosters a sense of ownership and support for the efforts. They often allow for a deeper examination of the situation or the community than quantitative methods do. Quantitative methods, although helpful, can tend to put people or events in specific categories, ask for yes-no or multiple-choice answers, often eliminating complexity. They allow for the human factor. While the information obtained through qualitative methods is often subjective, it is also often identified as such, and can be analyzed accordingly. Clearly, there are times when quantitative research will give you the information you need. So when do you use qualitative methods? When what you need is qualitative, descriptive information. What are the differences in the ways people of different cultural backgrounds respond to services? As mentioned above, much quantitative data can be analyzed using qualitative methods.

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A number of reasons are possible: The community is largely elderly, and people are living in long-since-paid-for houses they bought 40 or more years ago, when their income was higher and housing was less expensive. One or more local banks have made it a priority to help people buy houses, and provide low-interest mortgages and other subsidy programs to further that goal. While they may be low-income, the members of the community nonetheless scrimp on everything else in order to put away money for a house. This is often the case among immigrants from certain cultures, where people are willing to live very simply for many years in order to save for property and education. A combination of factors, some of which may not be listed here. Again, this is often the primary purpose of community assessment. How should you design a program or initiative to accomplish a major community goal or deal with an issue?

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