Padi Rescue Diver Final Exam Answer Key

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Padi Rescue Diver Manual Answers

D trying to defend themselves. Answer: D Trying to defend themselves. Nearly all aquatic life injuries result from defensive actions by the animals. You can generally avoid injuries by being aware and respectful of aquatic organisms. The diver is A giving the okay signal. B performing a predive safety check. C excited about the dive. D showing signs of distress trouble. They usually have wide, unseeing eyes, quick and jerky movements, and do not follow instructions. They need immediate help because they may continue to struggle until exhausted. Question 33 33 I am close to my buddy and realize I am out of air. B make a controlled emergency swimming ascent swim up to the surface making a continuous sound, like ah-h-h-h.

Padi Rescue Diver Final Exam Answers

C make a buoyant emergency ascent dropping my weight system. Question 34 34 If my regulator begins to free flow release air continuously while underwater, I should A make a controlled emergency swimming ascent. B do nothing special. D make a buoyant emergency ascent. Begin your ascent promptly, because the freeflow will exhaust your air supply quickly. Note: you may have to scroll down to see the whole question or to submit your answer. Make a controlled emergency swimming ascent when fairly shallow and the surface is closer than a buddy with an alternate air source.

How To Become A PADI Rescue Diver: Everything You Need To Know

Question 36 36 There is an injured diver who is out of the water and is not responding to touch or my voice. The first thing to do would be A to check if the diver is breathing. B to keep the diver warm. C to decide what happened. D to provide oxygen. Answer: A To check if the diver is breathing. Your priority when assisting someone who is unresponsive is to make sure the diver is breathing. Provide rescue breaths as necessary. Contact emergency medical care. Question 37 37 I should have cylinders filled at a dive center I trust, not use air that tastes or smells bad, nor use air from a compressor designed to fill car tires. This is important to A decrease the likelihood of gas narcosis. B increase the enjoyment of my dive. C reduce the risk of lung overexpansion injuries. D reduce the risk of breathing contaminated air. Answer: D Reduce the risk of breathing contaminated air. Dive centers and resorts take care of their fill systems and know the value of regular air testing. Question 38 38 Divers who act foolishly at depth due to gas narcosis may start acting normally again if they A ascend go up to a shallower depth.

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B breathe slowly and deeply. C signal their buddy for help. D dive within no stop limits. Answer: A Ascend go up to a shallower depth. If you or a buddy experience narcosis, immediately ascend to a shallower depth. Narcosis generally fades quickly when you return to a shallower depth. Question 39 39 I am likely to increase the risk of decompression sickness DCS if I A dive in poor visibility, strong moving water, and rough seas. B dive while tired, cold, sick, thirsty or injured. C do not look after my equipment. D am using a dive computer. Answer: B Dive while tired, cold, sick, thirsty or injured.

Get Padi Rescue Diver Final Exam Answer Key

Secondary factors that can contribute to developing decompression sickness include fatigue, dehydration, cold, poor fitness, high body fat, illness, injuries, age, alcohol consumption before or after a dive, and vigorous exercise before, during or immediately after a dive. B go back in the water. C breathe percent oxygen and contact emergency medical care. D see a doctor when I can. Answer: C Breathe percent oxygen and contact emergency medical care. For a suspected case of decompression illness, contact emergency medical care, lie down and breathe emergency oxygen. Almost all cases of decompression illness require treatment in a recompression chamber.

55 PADI Open Water Diver Final Exam Practise Questions

Question 41 41 The first step in using my dive computer is A setting the time and date. C calibrating it for enriched air nitrox. D setting it for fresh or salt water. B the maximum allowable time limits for depths typically in 3-meter. D the best settings for my backup computer. Answer: B The maximum allowable time limits for depths typically in 3-meter. You plan dives with your dive computer by activating it and scrolling the no stop limits. With most computers, you scroll depths in 3 meter increments, displaying the maximum time allowed at each depth.

Padi Rescue Diver Exam Answer Version B

Agree with your buddy on a maximum depth based on the no stop times displayed. Question 43 43 When making computer assisted dives A each diver needs a personal computer. B each buddy team needs a computer C up to four divers may share a computer. Answer: A Each diver needs a personal computer. Each diver needs a computer and the buddy team should follow the most conservative computer to turn or end a dive. B it would lose memory of the previous dive and not calculate repetitive dives correctly. D doing so is hard on the batteries and may cause the computer to fail. Answer: B It would lose memory of the previous dive and not calculate repetitive dives correctly. Your dive computer tracks your personal theoretical nitrogen levels continuously during all your dives and surface intervals. For your safety, to keep an accurate account, you must not turn off your computer and need to use the same computer the entire diving day, on all dives.

DM Answer KeyExam A

C surface immediately, breathe oxygen and report my condition to the divemaster. If you exceed a no stop limit, you will have to make an emergency decompression stop. You computer will go into decompression mode and guide you by providing the depth of your emergency decompression stop and how long you have to stay there before you can ascend to the surface. B nitrogen absorption will be slower so I can stay longer. C my dive computer will probably not work at all.

Respiration (physiology)

D I do not need to do anything special. If you get cold or exercise a lot during a dive, you may end up with more dissolved nitrogen than calculated by your dive computer or tables. This could increase your decompression sickness risk. Stay well within the no stop limits, being even more conservative than normal by adding an extra safety margin. Question 47 47 If my computer fails during a dive, I can use my backup computer to continue the dive. C continue the dive until low on air, but make no repetitive dives. D end the dive and surface immediately. Answer: A ascend go up , make a safety stop and end the dive.

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The procedure for a failed dive computer is to signal your buddy, ascend, make a safety stop and end the dive. Question 48 48 I make two dives in one day and am flying home on a commercial plane.

Top Exams 2021

Through knowledge development and rescue exercises you learn what to look for and how to respond. During rescue scenarios you put into practice your knowledge and skills. This 3 day all-inclusive course builds on the knowledge you have already acquired in your previous certifications, for example preventing problems before they occur and managing problems if they do happen. Delivering oxygen using a pocket mask and rescue breaths for a non-breathing diver. Using a manually triggered resuscitator valve on a non-breathing diver. Rescue Divers learn to look beyond themselves to consider the safety and well-being of other divers. On this page you can read or download padi rescue diver exam answers in PDF format. Thank you very much for downloading padi rescue diver knowledge review answers.

Padi Final Exam A Answer Key

Maybe you have knowledge that, people have search. Alex Brylske - Drew Richardson Hrsg. Answers in spanish. The PADI and either the SDI Rescue Diver course will enhance your ability to recognize problems in good time and to act properly during stressful situations so that a small emergency does not become a serious danger. The main focus is on preventing and dealing with dangerous situations as well as learning self-rescue techniques. Building upon what you've already learned, this course expands on what you already know about how to prevent problems, and how to manage them if they occur. Questions and A. True B. False Answer: B 8. For a Rescue Diver on a boat that has the available equipment, a reaching assist is best used for a tired diver who is on the.


False Answer: A 3. A dive skill that will not help in preparing you for self-rescue is good buoyancy control. A Padi rescue diver exam answers version b. False Answer: B 4. Your alternate air source should be safely stored in pocket. Answers vary depending on location. Diver's final exam question is multiple choice style questionswith a few place answers in proofreading order style questions. Open WaterDiver Preparation Course. Rescue management skills of student divers learn begin. Product description The PADI Rescue Diver program consist of knowledge development through convenient home-study materials and performanced based training.

Padi Rescue Diver Answer Key

After a near drowning, the victim may experience shock. True B. False Answer: A 2. When managing an emergency, the first step is to stop, breathe, think, and then act. False Answer: A 3. A dive skill that will not help in preparing you for self-rescue is good buoyancy control. False Answer: B 4. Your alternate air source should be safely stored in pocket. False Answer: B 5. Which of the following is NOT a treatment for a venomous wound caused by a spine or barb? Answer: D 6. If you are in the water rescuing an unresponsive diver, you should call for help as soon as you get to a boat or to shore. False Answer: B 7. False Answer: B 8. False Answer: B 9. True False Answer: B If there is an emergency, your top priority should be to call for help. False Answer: B It is best to keep your oxygen equipment assembled to reduce the risk of contaminants getting into it.

Padi Elearning Final Exam Answers - 05/

False Answer: A You get a responsive diver to a boat or shore, and recognize that the diver has no problems that require medical attention. Next, you should go over their dive with them to find where an error was made. A sticking BCD inflator can cause a runaway ascent. When you are at the surface assisting a responsive diver, you should: A. If there are two responsive divers needing help at the surface and you are on the shore, the first response you might consider is A. In a diver emergency, the reduced ability to look for the real problem or alternate solutions, or to perceive other problems arising might be caused by perceptual narrowing. Perceptual narrowing A. Answer: C The emergency assistance plan for a dive area should list contact information for both the local emergency services and the local diver emergency service.

Download Naui Rescue Diver Exam Answers:

You are at the surface with a panicked diver who is desperately trying to hold on to you. In this situation, the best thing to do is tell them to take deep breaths so they can calm down. If you notice behavioral changes in a diver prior to a dive, they may be experiencing stress. If a diver is breathing weakly, in most situations you would administer oxygen using a continuous flow with nonrebreather mask.

Padi Rescue Diver Manual Answers: KYFK: H9A

While ascending with an unresponsive diver you should: A. Answer: A You think a diver has decompression illness. For how long should you supply oxygen? Answer: B If administering oxygen to a breathing, injured diver, use: A. To prevent problems while diving, you should inspect all equipment prior to each dive. When approaching a panicked diver, you should stop at a safe distance and determine their state of mind. Causes of equipment-related problems include: A. All of the above. Answer: D If you think a diver has a spinal injury, the only time you would remove their exposure suite it to cut it off if necessary to prevent overheating.

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If you find an unresponsive diver underwater whose regulator is not in their mouth, you should put it back in. When looking for a missing diver, your search A. To avoid contact with a panicked diver, instead of approaching them directly, give them a flotation device. Most regulator problems are due to: A. Lubrication of your emergency oxygen equipment: A. A victim that exhibits profuse sweating, is probably experiencing heat stroke. If you conducting an inwater rescue of a responsive diver who needs help at the surface, you should bring an emergency flotation device with you if one is available. It is best to remove as much equipment as possible before towing a diver to safety.

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Heat stroke should be treated as a life threatening emergency. When encountering a distressed diver, removing gear: A. You are conducting an inwater rescue of a responsive diver at the surface. You should: A. Which of the following can cause shock?


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