YOU WERE LOOKING FOR: Itt Online Exam Questions With Answers Pdf
When the central Data base is busy with central end of day activities or for any other reason, the f containing the account balance of the customer is sent to the ATM switch. The criteria expression LIKE? To create a read-only copy of the database,...
How would you include some plain text into a mailing label report? In a Microsoft Access report, the page numbering would most likely be placed into the: If you wished to present a professionally looking form on screen that would show all the...
Which types of information assets need to be secured in a CA Office? Which of the following is not a software equipment required in a CA's office? Which of the following is not an application arranged by ICAI? Which method is commonly used in social sciences when investigating hard to reach groups? It is a technique used to determine how different values of an independent variable will impact a p dependent variable under a given set of assumptions. Which option can be used to split windows into four in ms excel ? How to restrict the values of a cell so that only a list can be entered in a cell? Which of the following function will return a value of 7? Which of the following is correct? In Excel , what is represented by the small black square in the lower-right corner of an active range?
Suppose we accidentally erased a record in an Excel worksheet. Which command can be used to r immediately? What is a scenario summary report? What does Solver uses in its dialog box? What term describes a feature that gives Excel enhanced capability? What dialog box allows you to change a field name in a PivotTable? Why are PivotTables considered interactive? Identify the need for controls and auditing in a computerised environment. Grand totals calculated for any code on a document in the batch are called.. Control that checks if correct sequence of commands and update parameters are passed from the application software to the database. With respect to data integrity control, when monetary transactions are processed against master fi without a match, we should maintain a.
The system test that tests the top-level modules first and then the lower modules are simulated wi dummy modules to check the interfaces is called. Identify the audit technique that examines each transaction as it passes through the system. The Core Image Comparison audit technique compares the. The technique used by an auditor to list unused program instructions is.. The sample data created and used for the purpose of testing the application system is called. The test data dummy unit implemented in the normal processing of the system over a period of known as. The test data generated with correctness proof, data flow analysis and control flow analysis tools called.
The organisational, management, maintenance and access controls are categories of When a real-time system is simulated to generate the same output as the real-time system, the tech called. When an auditor expands the extent of substantive tests to determine the impact of defects on the attainment of program objectives, the methodology is. This is an important control in systems that use digital signatures for authentication purposes. Selecting transactions based on a sampling rate is called. The capability of the generalized audit software to read different data coding schemes, different re formats and different file structures is. The audit software capability of frequency analysis is to. The audit functions of attributes sampling, variables sampling, stratified sampling are included in functions.
Identify the functional limitation of a generalized audit software that enables evidence collection the state of an application system after the fact. The purpose-written audit programs are used for.. Picture of a transaction as it flows through the computer systems is called.. The application controls are. Identify the type of audit when auditors are members of the systems development team.
Identify the field check - "If a set of values is defined, is the input data one of these defined value The field check that conforms if data input for a field is in a particular format. The field check on a processed data that fails if a field is not initialized to zero or errors occur dur calculation is The validation checks applied to a field depending on its logical interrelationships with the other the record are called.. A group of records or transactions that are contiguous constitute..
Which query should be used to retrieve the following information from table of databases "Which employees earn more than Rs. What is a form in MS-Access? Which of the following degree of relationship cannot be applied in MS-Access ? In MS-Access, what data type can be used for a phone number field in a database? Which of the following can be a primary key in an employee database? Which of the following is a Database Management System? Which of the following is not a data type in MS-Access ? Which of the following is a New data type in MS-Access ? Which of the following is not an action query in MS-Access ? In MS-Access , which data type is best suitable for storing the price of a commodity? In MS-Access , which of the following data type creates a field that allows the user to choos from another table or from a list of values by using a list box or combo box?
In MS-Access , which type of query extracts the data from one or more existing tables and p into separate table? In an MS-Access report, in which section we can keep the count[Sales] to calculate the total sales month? Which of the following is not an advantage of using a DBMS? Which are the transaction supported by the Billing and Accounting software? Which Tools and Utilities is not supported by Payroll Application? To create New Contact and access Contact features are available in which application? The financial transactions are to be.
This is because in-tray exercises enable assessors and employers to test a wide range of your skills and aptitudes in situations that closely resemble those you might face in a real workplace: as a result, how you behave during an in-tray exercise offers a more accurate and reliable indication of your characteristics and behaviours than do more abstract methods of measurement including interviews and even psychometric tests. They're also very good at seeing how you will cope with the real-world stresses of diary management and prioritisation. Most in-tray exercises are designed to test a particular set of key competencies which the employer deems to be important. For example they might focus on your delegation skills, your readiness to share problems with others, your independence, or your affinity or aversion to procedures. It is important that you think about what competencies each employer is looking for, and to emphasise these traits when answering their in-tray exercise.
Each different employer may be looking for different attributes in their new recruits. In general terms, in-tray exercises test your ability to: Demonstrate the level of knowledge appropriate to the job for which you're applying Display the skills necessary for the job Show that your attitudes are a good fit for those specified for the role The exercises are therefore designed to assess what are known in the recruitment industry as KSAs — that is, your Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes. What are in-tray exercises and how do they work? The basic idea of in-tray exercises is to place you in a realistic although simulated work situation, and to assess your workplace behaviour and attitudes in that context. The best candidate will keep all of these things in their mind whilst responding to the in-tray items. So there's a lot to get through in the hour or so you usually get allowed! How will my in-tray exercise be assessed?
The two most common ways in which your response to the in-tray items will be assessed are via a your response to questions in a multiple choice format, or b your performance in an interview with an assessor in which you need to explain and justify your actions and decisions. Sometimes, you will be assessed via a combination of these methods.
If you know you will not have the opportunity to talk through your answers with an assessor at the end, make sure you write down everything you have thought of otherwise you won't get the marks for it. Make a note of diary clashes, time commitments, resource constraints, appointments, interactivity between people Online or computer-based in-tray exercises are referred to as an e-tray or inbox exercise. The same principles apply but they are becoming more common because in the real world most of the information employees deal with arrives by email so this is a realistic simulation of the demands of the role. What's the best way to approach an in-tray exercise? The best approach is to quickly read through every item in your in-tray before answering any questions. But do make notes on your thoughts as you read through each item. It's best to wait until you have read everything before responding because an item which comes up might affect how you react to an earlier item, or even contradict it.
The assessor will not look favourably on you just ploughing in to the questions. What will my in-tray exercise be assessing me on? As mentioned earlier, you need to show what you know in order to be given credit for your responses — so, you must be clear about the reasons behind your actions and decisions. Remember that your attitudes are being assessed, too: because of this, pay attention to how you present yourself during the exercise — including how you organise your desk area, how neat your notes are, and whether you display a frantic or rather calmer approach to dealing with the in-tray items!
Try to approach the exercise in an orderly manner, ensuring that you neither miss out anything nor spend too long on any one task. You should be especially alert to items that have perhaps already been dealt with so you no longer have to worry about them , and also to items that are in need of particularly urgent attention. Despite the pressure of time, you need to play close attention to details — including the names of key personnel, the date of each document, and actions that have already been taken that might affect your decisions. Also remember to show what you know, rather than assuming that an assessor will credit you with characteristics that you do not actually display during the exercise. So, for instance, be sure to make notes of reasons for your decisions, and to explain your thought processes either during the role-play, or in the test or interview following it. Key to success is keeping calm as you go through the in-tray items, and being methodical in your approach to handling them.
This is important to employers, and is something you should consider in any recruitment situation. Our eight essential in-tray exercise tips for success When you take your in-tray exercise, remember our handy hints for getting the best scores. There are several tactics for performing well in your in-tray exercise but the most important thing to do is to take an example exercise yourself. Below we have listed our best tips for your next in-tray exercise. In-tray Exercise Tip 1: Write down ALL of your observations Assessors can award you marks only for the observations you write down or those which you explain to them. A common mistake candidates make is to not write down that they have deliberately left an item to come back to later, only to find they have run out of time. Quite correctly, candidates will deal with the more urgent and important items first but if they don't make it clear why something has been left the assessor can only assume you didn't know what to do with it!
In-tray Exercise Tip 2: Think about the proximity of your in-tray appointments In your in-tray will be lots of items requiring your attendance, such as meetings, conferences, awards ceremonies and social events. Part of being a good organiser and planner is to take note of the locations of these various engagements and their time to decide if it's possible to go to more than one. For example two events either side of lunch might be at opposite ends of the country and so in your answers you should not agree to attending both. Similarly, two events might be in the same building and so you would be expected to notice this and respond accordingly. Do you give the same level of priority to all of these? Of course not, so always have in your mind who is who and from where the correspondence originated.
This is a common way for in-tray exercises to test your prioritisation skills. In-tray Exercise Tip 4: Pay attention to the date you received correspondence in your in-tray Your in-tray exercise will include correspondence from different times and dates. Has an urgent request been sitting in the in-tray for some time thus meaning it is now very urgent? When someone refers to for example "by the end of next week", you need to notice the date of sending for this to have significance. Read through all your in-tray items before attempting your first question because you might well find that a later piece of correspondence contradicts or negates earlier messages. Decide if each piece of correspondence warrants an urgent response or if it can wait. In-tray Exercise Tip 5: Imagine yourself actually faced with your in-tray items in real life Your in-tray exercise is as much a test of role-play than of your attitudes because you have to treat the exercise like it is real if you want to perform your best.
In a simulated environment it's easy to slip into the trap of sticking to rigid responses, or answering how you think you should answer. When in fact if you had faced a similar situation in real life you would have taken a more realistic practical approach. An example to illustrate this point is coming across a broken bridge over a river. In a test situation you might think along the lines of constructing a new crossing from branches, or fixing the broken bridge with rope etc.
But in reality aren't you more likely to just get out your iPhone and use Google Maps to see if there is another bridge nearby? In-tray Exercise Tip 6: Think carefully about delegation during your in-tray exercise Another skill your in-tray exercise will be assessing is your ability to effectively delegate, in the right situation to the right person. The extent to which you should delegate tasks depends on what your fictional role is within the fictional organisation. For a manager you would be expected to delegate all but the most strategic tasks, whereas a new recruit would be expected to carry out most of the tasks themselves and get it checked by someone more senior.
You will be marked down if you do not delegate enough, but equally if you delegate too much. You should consider if the task is suitable for your fictional role, and if not consider delegating it. Consider also if an event requires you to be there in person or if you can delegate it out. You might first think it appropriate to delegate a more menial task, but is there another reason you should be there in person? In-tray Exercise Tip 7: The most important piece of advice is to practise an example in-tray exercise You can read about in-tray exercises but the most effective way to actually improve your performance is to take an example exercise yourself. By sitting one for yourself and going through the thought process you will become familiar with what to look out for, and how to deal with each item in your in-tray.
In-tray Exercise Tip 8: Lay out your in-tray items in a logical sequence If you are taking your in-tray exercise at an assessment centre, you will usually take it alone in a room with a desk. Read through all the in-tray items once and as you do place them on the desk in a logical order. This will help when you come back to them and answer questions on them. For example lay them out left to right in the order you read them, placing urgent items higher than less urgent items. You might find a different method works best for you. Apart from being a help to you, if an assessor sees the neat arrangement of items on your desk, they may be impressed with your methodical and logical strategy.
The practice is the key to success. Take tests after every concept. Regular revision. Students get stuck in the middle while solving these papers, in this situation, the solved papers will make them understand the concept and solve the problem. Certain times, students give up because they are not able to understand one particular concept. At that point, they have to remind themselves that all of them who are preparing for JEE are going through the same situation.
Do not quit at this point, they have to understand where the problem is and then focus on rectifying it and then moving forward. Learn From Your Mistakes Humans tend to make mistakes and from each mistake, there will be a lot to learn. Stop regretting for what has happened and try to accept it and keep moving ahead. Pick up, dust up and continue with the flow. There comes a moment that you get irritated by looking at the vast syllabus and topics which are difficult. This is the moment where you should start thinking bigger picture of yourself in your mind.
If you get selected in one of your dream institutes like IIT or NIT, consider yourself in a position after a couple of years where you get into a good MNC with a hefty package and make your parents proud of what you are. Set Goals and Reward Yourself Set a daily goal, there might be few topics which you could finish faster and move with the new ones or maybe you could take more time on fewer topics and which gets postpone to the next day. When you finish your goal for the day, reward yourself for what you have achieved.
This brings a huge difference and puts you on a positive note. By doing this you are kind of pushing yourself into a positive zone and making up your mind of the hard tasks which are yet to come on your way. A reward could be ice cream or refreshing yourself with the latest video game which brings you joy. In case, if you have not reached your daily goal, that is totally fine.
Do not be on a negative thought, reward yourself for how much you have achieved. Start your day with a fresh mind, and your ultimate goal should be achieving good marks in the final exams. Staying positive increase the goos spirits and pushes you towards the goal. This increases your will power to achieve your goals and motivates you through the tough times. You will be the best person to know about yourself. Once you understand your weaker area, things become easier for you to deal with. Be prepared for what you will be facing in the exam and move towards it with positive hope. Self-Analysis: By solving these papers, you can analyze your own preparation for the exam. You make mistakes and you tend to learn from it but, make sure you are not repeating the same mistake again. Self-analysis helps in knowing your strengths and weaknesses. These Mock tests are designed subject wise with the detailed explanation of the questions.
They are updated as per the latest syllabus and guidelines provided by NTA. Each paper consists of 90 questions in total with a time limit of 3 hours. After the mock tests, students get to analysis the result as well. Students who work hard to crack JEE Main should try to solve all the questions in the JEE Main previous year question papers within the set time limit. You should try to solve the previous year JEE Main question paper on your own in the original exam duration which will boost take your confidence to another level and will help to score good marks in JEE Main Exam. This real-time exam feeling also helps to get habituated to solve the question in fixed time frames. A vital element of preparation for the JEE Main exam is to understand the solution of the questions which you are not able to solve by yourself and have to refer to the solution.
The JEE main previous year question paper with solution PDF download will help you assess your preparedness by highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. This enables you to focus on areas on which need more attention. Another benefit of Solving JEE Main previous year question paper is it will help you to identify questions that are often repeated and twisted in various ways in the examination. Identifying these questions properly will give you an extra edge in scoring well in JEE Main Examination.
Why Vedantu? At Vedantu we organise online tuitions for JEE so that students can clarify their doubts if they are stuck while solving any question. We help you follow a disciplined and regular schedule of study which will help you excel in JEE exam. You will be asked to solve assignment questions after every session. Solving previous year question paper can help you understand your strengths and weakness in the subject. It gives you the feel of answering a real exam and thus help you become ready for the JEE Main Examination
The building was designed by Pritzker Prize-winning Italian architect Renzo Piano and was a driving force behind the redevelopment of 42nd Street. Barclays Center Barclays Center, a state-of-the-art sports and entertainment venue in the heart of Brooklyn, is the centerpiece of the Pacific Park Brooklyn master development. A creative collaboration with music legend JAY-Z, the arena was designed by SHoP Architects and is credited with revitalizing the surrounding area and bringing professional sports back to Brooklyn. Pacific Park Brooklyn Pacific Park Brooklyn is an eight million square foot master plan development that includes 14 mixed-income residential buildings, commercial, and retail space. When completed, Pacific Park Brooklyn—groundbreaking in its scale and ambition for the borough—will span eight acres and cover the Vanderbilt Rail Yard.
Our Expertise MAG Partners pairs institutional know-how and experience with a creative and nimble approach to deal-making. Grounded in comprehensive real estate knowledge and experience, the MAG Partners team pairs expert project evaluation skills, from site evaluation and zoning analysis to political risk assessment, with access to project structuring and underwriting capacity, sourced from long-term relationships with institutional investors and lenders.
In November MAG Partners formed a non-exclusive joint venture with the real estate investor Safanad to pursue urban real estate projects, primarily in the New York area. The venture will act as a general partner as it acquires properties and sites for both ground-up development and active management. The team brings a comprehensive, end-to-end skill set to development, enabling MAG Partners to manage projects from ideation to steady state management and exit. Public-Private Development The MAG Partners team has decades of experience executing successful public-private partnerships and bringing to life transformational masterplans. Members of the team have been relied upon by New York City and State governments to produce development and infrastructure projects that deliver benefits to the community, including high levels of MWBE participation and quality permanent and construction jobs, with a special emphasis on local hiring.
A core capability of the MAG Partners team is its expertise in developing community support and achieving successful public approvals for projects. MaryAnne previously served as President and CEO of Forest City Ratner Companies, where she oversaw a period of game-changing ground-up development and managed its multimillion square foot residential, commercial and retail portfolio. In addition to her civic and industry board service, MaryAnne was appointed a member of the board of directors of the global investment banking firm Jefferies Group LLC in Back to team.
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