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When creating an IPv6 static route, when must a next-hop IPv6 address and an exit interface both be specified when CEF is enabled when the static route is a default route when the next hop is a link-local address when the exit interface is a point-to-point interface Routing and Switching Essentials 2. For that reason, any time a static route specifies a link-local address as the next hop, it must also specify the exit interface. This is called a fully specified static route. Which address prefix range is reserved for IPv4 multicast? Refer to the exhibit. What would happen after the IT administrator enters the new static route? The The 0. A route will be installed in a routing table if there is not another routing source with a lower administrative distance.
If a route with a lower administrative distance to the same destination network as a current route is entered, the route with the lower administrative distance will replace the route with a higher administrative distance. What effect does the default-information originate command have on a Cisco router that is configured for RIP? Any dynamic route that is learned from a neighboring router will propagate to other adjacent routers. Any default static route that is configured on the router will propagate to other adjacent routers.
Any static route that is learned from a neighboring router will propagate to other adjacent routers. Any routes that are learned from a neighboring router will propagate to other adjacent routers. Which type of IPv6 address refers to any unicast address that is assigned to multiple hosts? Single location Link-local Global unicast The anycast address is a unicast address that is assigned to multiple hosts.
Anycast addresses are usually used to locate the nearest server of a specifc type—for example, the nearest DNS or network time server. Assigning the same unicast address to more than one interface makes it an anycast address. You can have link-local, unique local, or global unicast anycast addresses. When you assign an anycast address to an interface, you must explicitly identify the address as an anycast address. An administrator wants to replace the configuration file on a Cisco router by loading a new configuration file from a TFTP server. What two things does the administrator need to know before performing this task? Choose two. TFTP server IP address name of the configuration file that is currently stored on the router router IP address name of the configuration file that is stored on the TFTP server The name of the configuration file that is currently stored on the TFTP server The name of the configuration file that is currently stored on the router Routing and Switching Essentials Because the file is a new configuration, the name of the current configuration file is not necessary.
What is the problem? Which statement describes the Cisco License Manager? It is a free, standalone software application for deploying Cisco software licenses across the network. It is a web-based portal for getting and registering individual software licenses. It is an organized collection of processes and components used to activate Cisco IOS software feature sets by obtaining and validating Cisco software licenses. Routing and Switching Essentials A user sends an HTTP request to a web server on a remote network. During encapsulation for this request, what information is added to the address field of a frame to indicate the destination? The source device will not know the MAC address of the remote host. An ARP request will be sent by the source and will be responded to by the router. The router will respond with the MAC address of its interface, the one which is connected to the same network as the source. A network administrator is designing an IPv4 addressing scheme and requires these subnets.
The resulting mask is Subnets that require 30 and 20 hosts are provided by creating subnets of 30 usable addresses, each of which requires 5 host bits. Creating nine subnets, each consisting of usable addresses, would waste large numbers of addresses in the six smaller subnets. The route was automatically installed when an IP address was configured on an active interface. The route was dynamically created by router R1. The route was manually entered by an administrator. The route was dynamically learned from another router. A host route is an IPv6 route with a bit mask.
A host route can be installed in a routing table automatically when an IP address is configured on a router interface or manually if a static route is created Choose three. The device with the electronic token is the only one that can transmit after a collision. After detecting a collision, hosts can attempt to resume transmission after a random time delay has expired. All of the devices on a segment see data that passes on the network medium. Devices can be configured with a higher transmission priority. A device listens and waits until the media is not busy before transmitting. A jam signal indicates that the collision has cleared and the media is not busy. When a device needs to transmit data, it listens and waits until the media is available quiet , then it will send data.
If two devices transmit at the same time, a collision will occur. Both devices will detect the collision on the network. When a device detects a collision, it will stop the data transmission process, wait for a random amount of time, then try again. A network engineer is troubleshooting connectivity issues among interconnected Cisco routers and switches. Which command should the engineer use to find the IP address information, host name, and IOS version of neighboring network devices? If no violation mode is specified when port security is enabled on a switch port, then the security violation mode defaults to shutdown.
Routing and Switching Essentials 5. Which source address is being used by router R1 for packets being forwarded to the Internet?
Before you write the Cisco CCENT certification exam, you may have certain doubts in your mind regarding the pattern of the test, the types of questions asked in it, the difficulty level of the questions and time required to complete the questions. Cisco gives you hourly updated questions and answers for free. View CCNA 2 v6. CCNA 2 v5. Answers B, D, and E are correct. The networks in Answers A and C are out of the range, which is Answers B, D, and F are correct. Answer A might have an element of truth, but Cisco does not have much of a sense of humor. Answer C is incorrect because discontiguous subnets are a real problem if you intend to summarize. View test torrent, exam questions and answers for View Cisco Certification Exam Sample Questions and Answers Cisco Certification Exam Sample Questions and Answers Before you write the Cisco DevNet Associate certification exam, you may have certain doubts in your mind regarding the pattern of the test, the types of questions asked in it, the difficulty level of the questions and time required to complete the questions.
Question When creating an IPv6 static route, when must a next-hop IPv6 address and an exit interface both be specified? Question Which statement describes the Cisco License Manager? It is a free, standalone software application for deploying Cisco software licenses across the network. It is a web-based portal for getting and registering individual software licenses. It is an organized collection of processes and components used to activate Cisco IOS software feature sets by obtaining and validating Cisco software licenses.
Question After a license has been purchased and installed, what is the next step that is required before it is activated? Reboot the router. Copy the running configuration to flash. Issue the license boot module technology-package command. Question An administrator wants to replace the configuration file on a Cisco router by loading a new configuration file from a TFTP server.
What two things does the administrator need to know before performing this task? Choose two. Question Refer to the exhibit. A switch with a default configuration connects four hosts. The ARP table for host A is shown. What happens when host A wants to send an IP packet to host D? Host D responds with its IP address. Host A responds with its MAC address. Host A sends out the packet to the switch. The switch adds the MAC address for host D to the frame and forwards it to the network. Every other host connected to the switch receives the broadcast and host D responds with its MAC address.
Host A sends a data packet to host B. What will be the addressing information of the data packet when it reaches host B? During encapsulation for this request, what information is added to the address field of a frame to indicate the destination? Question An administrator who is troubleshooting connectivity issues on a switch notices that a switch port configured for port security is in the err-disabled state.
After verifying the cause of the violation, how should the administrator re-enable the port without disrupting network operation? Reboot the switch. Issue the no shutdown command on the interface. Issue the no switchport port-security command, then re-enable port security. Issue the no switchport port-security violation shutdown command on the interface. A network technician issues the command show vlan to verify the VLAN configuration. Based on the output, which port should be assigned with native VLAN?
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