YOU WERE LOOKING FOR: Corporate Social Responsibility Exam Questions And Answers
An expansion campaign followed. In the company entered the U. Anti-marketing seemed to be smart marketing, at least as far as The Body Shop was concerned. The company was not directly competing against the traditional cosmetics companies, which...
The company had also become immensely profitable. The campaign was personified by Ruby, a doll with Rubenesque proportions who was perched on an antique couch and who looked quite pleased with herself and her plump frame. We are not claiming that...
The Solution The Body Shop is the originator of ethical beauty with our actions speaking louder than our words. This is the new direction of The Body Shop. We will be a part of different acts of kindness in big cities. We will eliminate unwanted graffiti, purify city air, and allow the customer to be a part of something good. Questions The reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-H. Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter A-G, in boxes your answer sheet. An action is taken to Establishing social responsibility in the conservation project 2. A description of the conventional way the ads applied to talk to its customers 3. A history of a humble origin and expansion 4. Write your answers in boxes on your answer sheet.
They offer the employee complimentary product Employees were encouraged to give services back to the community the products are designed for workers to barter for other goods and services offered a package of benefits for disabled employees Questions Choose the three correct letter, A- F. Pioneering the natural-ingredient cosmetics market Appealed to primary market mainly of the rich women Focused on their lavish ads campaign The company avoided producing traditional cosmetics products Its moral concept that refuses to use animals- tested ingredients Its monetary donations to the communities and in developing countries Questions Choose the three correct letter, A- F.
Its philosophy that there is real beauty in everyone is faulty Fails to fulfil promises while acted like misleading the public Faced growing competition Its creating demand for something that the customers do not actually need E its newer, fresher Brands are not successful in the Market F fail to offer cosmetics at lower prices than competitors Section 2 Photovoltaics on the rooftop: A natural choice for powering the family home A In the past, urban homeowners have not always had much choice in the way electricity is supplied to their homes.
Now, however, there is a choice, and a rapidly increasing number of households worldwide are choosing the solar energy option. B The photovoltaics-powered home remains connected to the power lines, but no storage is required on-site, only a box of electronics the inverter to the interface between the photovoltaics and the grid network. Figure 1 illustrates the system. During the day, when the home may not be using much electricity, excess power from the solar array is fed back to the grid, to factories and offices that need daytime power. At night, power flows the opposite way. The grid network effectively provides storage. If the electricity demand is well matched to when the sun shines, solar energy is especially valuable. This occurs in places like California in the US and Japan, where air-conditioning loads for offices and factories are large but heating loads for homes are small.
C The first systematic exploration of the use of photovoltaics on homes began in the US during the s. A well-conceived program started with the sitting of a number of residential experiment stations, at selected locations around the country, representing different climatic zones. A change in US government priorities in the early s halted this program. A large residential test station was installed on Rokko Island beginning in Each equipped with its own kilowatt photovoltaic system about 20 — 50 square meters for each system. Some of these simulated homes have their own electrical appliances inside, such as TV sets, refrigerators and air conditioning units, which switch on and off under computer control providing a lavish lifestyle for the non-existent occupants.
For the other systems, electronics simulate these household loads. This test station has allowed the technical issues involved in using photovoltaics within the electricity network to be explored systematically, under well-controlled test conditions. With no insurmountable problems identified, the Japanese have used the experience gained from this station to begin their own massive residential photovoltaics campaign.
The program proved immensely popular, forcing its extension to over 2, homes scattered across Germany. The success of this program stimulated other European countries to launch a similar program. The initially quoted aims of the Japanese New Energy Development Organization were to have 70, homes equipped with the photovoltaics by the year , on the way to 1 million by The program made a modest start in when systems were installed with a government subsidy of 50 per cent. Under this program, entire new suburban developments are using photovoltaics. G This is good news, not only for the photovoltaic industry but for everyone concerned with the environment.
The use of fossil fuels to generate electricity is not only costly in financial terms, but also in terms of environmental damage. Gases produced by the burning of fossil fuels in the production of electricity are a major contributor to the greenhouse effect. To deal with this problem, many governments are now proposing stringent targets on the amount of greenhouse gas emissions permitted. These targets mean that all sources of greenhouse gas emissions including residential electricity use will receive closer attention in the future. H It is likely that in the future, governments will develop building codes that attempt to constrain the energy demands of new housing. For example, the use of photovoltaics or the equivalent may be stipulated to lessen demands on the grid network and hence reduce fossil fuel emissions. Approvals for building renovations may also be conditional upon taking such energy-saving measures. If this were to happen, everyone would benefit. Also, everyone living on the planet stands to gain from the more benign environmental impact.
Questions Reading passage 2 has nine paragraphs listed A-H Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the appropriate letters A-H in boxes on your answer sheet. NB you may use any letter more than once Photovoltaics are used to store electricity. The solar-powered houses on Rokko Island are uninhabited. In , the Japanese government was providing half the money required for installing photovoltaics on homes. Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Australia all have strict goals concerning greenhouse gas emissions.
Residential electricity use is the major source of greenhouse gas emission. Energy-saving measures must now be included in the design of all new homes and improvements to buildings. Also check :.
Business Ethics Mcqs With Answers Pdf business ethics chapter 2 quizlet, A partner who has a concern may speak to their direct supervisor, Partner Resources representative or call the Business Ethics and Compliance Hotline available 24 hours a day. Business ethics is the behavior that a business adheres to in its daily dealings with the world. Choose your answer to the question and click 'Continue' to see how you did. The same principles that determine an individual"s actions also apply to business.
They deal with matters that can seriously injure or benefit humans. Which of the following is not influenced by human activities? You can approach business ethics from two distinct perspectives: what is happening or what should be happening. Multiple choice questions on Sustainable Marketing Social Responsibility and Ethics quiz answers PDF 3 to learn online marketing certifications course. The goal of business ethics is to provide ethical solutions for problems encountered on the everyday basis. So please Enjoy this book free of cost. Given the vast number of modern-day business organizations, there's hardly any shortage of business ethics issues, as various questions to discuss arise every day. SCCE, a member based association, provides resources for the compliance and ethic profession to develop and maintain a compliance program within an organization.
There are sets of behavioral patterns that some people exhibit that do not reflect the views of a company. Answer: b Broader than legal responsibility Question 2: If business is to operate in a society which is full of diverse and complicated problems, it may have Little chance of success. See correct answer c. Law embodies notions of ethics. Download PDF. Ethics is the study of a. Apply the basic principles of professional accountancy Evaluation Method and Scheme The students will be evaluated out of marks.
Business ethics concerns ethical dilemmas or controversial issues faced by a company. The practice of chemistry has been in a constant increase since the ancient time. Due: March 04, Length: 60 minutes. The hand-of-government refers to the. Encourage business c. Business Ethics 3rd ed. Ethics is a study of morality, stems from the ancient Greek "ethos" meaning custom or habit. Business Ethics Interview Questions ; Question Business Communication multiple choice questions and answers on Business Communication MCQ questions quiz on Business Communication objective questions. Covering all the core research methods as well as aspects specific to veterinary medicine. Test your Legal Ethics knowledge with hundreds of practice multiple-choice questions. Other than customer loyalty, business ethics makes consumers believe in you even during difficult. Ethics helps in building consumer confidence. Question 1. Moral standards can be distinguished from non-moral standards using the following characteristics: a.
The first primary question from Part A Professional Practice and Ethics is broken into three to five secondary questions. And by having access to our ebooks. Recall and explain the principles of professional ethics 3. They give general outlines of how employees should behave, as well as specific guidance for handling issues like harassment, safety, and conflicts of interest. Chapter Multiple choice questions. Business statistics multiple choice questions MCQs , business statistics quiz questions and answers PDF for online courses. July 12, Questions erinde. Are you a person having good positive attitude with effective communication skills to handle the company at all levels? Do you have the ability to adapt quickly in fast changing environment, then corporate governance jobs. As members of this profession, engineers are expected to exhibit the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Short case study on business ethics with solutions for andrew jackson full essays October 22, english or creative writing State two scenarios of the restaurant, indicating high precision, solutions with on case short study business ethics low accuracy measuring system.
Let's see if you have such kind of knowledge or not. Business Ethics Questions And Answers. November 24, — 0 Comments. Business ethics involve the application of standards of moral behavior to business situations. Thorndike developed an early scientific approach to testing students, it was his assistant Benjamin D. Contains 6 print-and-go PDF pages plus answer keys. And these new implementations, especially in the area of social media, present some unique challenges to business ethics. True False. Business Vocabulary in Use. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Questions 1 - 10 are multiple-choice questions designed to assess your ability to remember or recall basic and foundational pieces of knowledge related to this course. Business, Economics, Social Science. We have made it easy for you to find a PDF Ebooks without any digging.
Although E. Consumer Protection Act is significant to. This section can also be downloaded as business management online study material pdf. The Code of Ethics for Nurses is a reflection of the proud ethical heritage of nursing, a guide for nurses now and in the future. A code of ethics and professional conduct outlines the ethical principles that govern decisions and behavior at a company or organization. However, business ethics was written about even 2, years ago -- at least since Cicero wrote about the topic in his On Duties. The first codes of engineering ethics were formally adopted by American engineering societies in Link: Unit 1 Notes. Common issues that fall under this umbrella include employer-employee relations, discrimination. This paper. We are a group of professors and graduate students in social psychology.
Business and culture- Business and Government - Political system and its influence on business - Indian constitution -. Choose one best. It is important to be at work………………………………. MCQ questions and answers on Class 9th Science are provided here to help students revise the fundamental concepts and perform well in their school and board exa. Workplace business ethics lesson teaches students about professional decision making using real-life ethical situations, skills, violations, and dilemmas. Recent Articles. What are organizations doing to improve their business ethics. Not only does it change how businesses operate on a day-to-day- basis, but it also influences legislation around corporate regulation. The businessmen must promise that he will not harm knowingly. Answer: c Attitude. This book is an aid to increasing the quantity and quality of such research within veterinary clinical practice.
A written statement of policies and principles that guides the behaviour of all employees is called. Mcq in bba-Business ethics. Free-Response Questions, Scoring Guidelines, and. Wood who develope. This is true because most people enter health care as a profession because they want to help people. This will be a closed book exam. Which one of the following is an alternative to moral principles? The assessment will be returned within two weeks after the exam date.
Febin Issac. There is no particular set of laws defining what is ethical and what is not, because there is no right or wrong answer. Conventional c. Professional ethics encompass the personal and corporate standards of behavior expected by professionals. The process of implementing the objective into actual practice becomes the executive a. The latter replaces CAT. Jordan University of Science and Technology. We have a duty to grow ethically just as we have a duty to nurture the intellectual and physical aspects of self. All definitions of Corporate Social Responsibility recognize that. Once you have completed the test, click on 'Submit Answers for Grading' to get your results.
Is it the same in developed economies as in emerging markets? Would you please describe a specific environmental, social or governance issue from a business case for CSR perspective, comparing and contrasting the business case for CSR perspective of the specific issue in a developed economy and in an emerging market? The business case for CSR can be found in all kind of indicators which do lead in directly to a stronger financial performance of the firm. Issues that are often discussed in academia as well as in practice are, for example: access to finance, employee retention, employee satisfaction, new markets, new products and stakeholder satisfaction.
While CSR implicates that firms take measurements that go above legal requirements, the specific issues differ for developed economies and for emerging markets. In emerging markets, issues like child labour and working conditions can be hard to address. The circumstances are so different in different countries - what is legally required in one country is high above standard in another country.
An example of the business case for CSR is the rising trend of firms developing strategies targeting the so-called Bottom-of-the-Pyramid BoP. It is argued that these initiatives can lead to profitable businesses and economic development for people living at the bottom-of-the pyramid as well as the multinational companies that serve them. An example is the production of affordable life-saving medicines for Africans. Is This Answer Correct?
Case 1: The Volkswagen emissions scandal: A case study in corporate misbehavior What is Volkswagen accused of? It's been dubbed the "diesel dupe". The Environmental Protection Agency EPA found that many VW cars being sold in America had devices in diesel engines that could detect when they were being tested, changing the performance accordingly to improve results.
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