YOU WERE LOOKING FOR: Cold War Test Questions And Answers
About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found on the page at Cold War - Berlin Wall. A Javascript-enabled browser is required to complete these quizzes. The Cold War was a conflict between which two super...
Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Food and Textile c. Textile and Automotive d. Service and Food. Both names are … The Soviet army found two charred corpses thought to be the couple and retained custody of them throughout the Cold War. About this...
Test your knowledge on all of World War I — Cold War Practice Test Cold War Practice Test by maldonado 5 years ago 7 minutes, 11 seconds 5, views This video will help you review some , cold war , concepts for your upcoming , test ,.
Standard of living lower than in Capitalist countries Society was important Soviet leaders believed other countries should be run their way Individual rights of people were not important Industry state owned Look at Sources D, E and F and answer the following questions: 1. Look at Sources D and E. Which images belong the East side of the wall and which belong to the West side of the wall? Look at Source F. Explain why the Cold War was a war of ideologies. Look at Source G and answer the following questions: 1. Which side does the description of the photograph support, capitalist or communist?
Which words in the description tell you this? How would you rewrite the description of the photograph so that it represents the view of the other side? Look at Source H and answer the following questions: 1. What was the United State's interest in empathising with the East Berliners? Source H The Wall was a great backdrop for speeches too. American President John F.
Kennedy visited Berlin in June , and expressed his solidarity with the walled-in people of both West and East Berlin. His speech contained the memorable phrase, "Ich bin ein Berliner", which produced astounding cheers from the tens of thousands who came to hear him. There are a few German-to-English translators who argue that some of the reaction was due to the fact that "Berline" is also an idiomatic phrase in Berlin for a bakery confection like a jelly doughnut - so Kennedy's words were a double entendre that could mean either "I am a citizen of Berlin,"or "I am a jelly doughnut. The phrase had been translated for him by a professional interpreter. Source I suggests that the 'jelly doughnut story' in Source H is an urban legend. How would you go about finding out which source is more reliable or trustworthy? Identify the possible biases in both Source I and Source H and state which source you would consider to be most objective and reliable.
In March , Stalin had invited the non-Communist Polish leaders to meet him, and arrested them. Soviet policy in eastern Europe. Communists used it as an abuse-word to describe the western powers. To support the Greek free government against the Communists. What happened when the British could no longer afford to keep soldiers in Greece? America paid for the soldiers, and also gave economic aid to Greece. What did the Truman Doctrine say? Why did Marshall propose the Marshall Plan? He said every country in Europe was so poor that it was in danger of turning Communist. How much aid did the Marshall Plan want to send to Europe?
The death of Stalin b. Rising production quotas and shortages resulting from the shipment of industrial goods to the Soviet Union c. A strike of East Berlin workers d. George F. Kennan c. Dwight D. Eisenhower d. Allen Dulles In the early years of the Cold War, countries could basically be placed into which of the following categories a. Eastern Bloc and Communist b. Colonies, Imperialist, and Communists c. Western camp and capitalist democracies d. Western camp, Eastern bloc, and the Non-Aligned Movement. The state of Israel was created in which of the following decades?
When did Cold War developed? Answer: After the Second World War. Between which nations the Cold War developed? Answer: Communist and non-Communist nations. Answer: United States and its democratic allies. Answer: Because it did not actually lead to fighting. What are the characteristics of Cold War? Answer: Mutual distrust, suspicion and misunderstanding by both the United States and the Soviet Union, and their allies. Which are the conditions that increased the likelihood of a third World War? Answer: Mutual distrust, suspicion and misunderstanding. Who accused the Soviet Union of seeking to expand Communism throughout the world?
Answer: United States. Who charged the United States with practicing imperialism and with attempting to stop revolutionary activity in other countries? Answer: Soviet Union. What was the demand of United Nations? Answer: United States wanted a world of independent nations based on democratic principles. Who attempted to tightly control the areas it considered vital to its national interest, including much of Eastern Europe?
Cold War Essay Questions Imperialism Essay Questions needs help for a general research paper we have professionals who can handle it. What was the basis of their alliance? After first starting off at a bad start, what finally pushed North Koreans out of South Korea? Now with that important fact out of the way. Question 6. Key topic 1. Cold War Quiz. How did this idea shape Western policy in the Cold War? Cold War Bunkers - and defensive architecture above ground. That will be the case next year as well. Results and answers are provided at the end of each quiz; tap or scroll over the buttons to review.
A Javascript-enabled browser is required to complete these quizzes. The Sweeter Side of the Berlin Airlift 10 questions. Remember that many of these prompts are really the same prompt with a twist. Evaluate the political ideology of Fidel Castro. Research three attempts to escape the Soviet bloc during the Cold War. Perfect prep for The Cold War — quizzes and tests you might have in school. In columns of U. What impressions did the two leaders form of each other? I think its interesting to look at what people thought then and what they think now? Cold War Essay Questions. Health - the NHS was founded in the aftermath of global war, and developed at the same time as the Cold War. What was the Truman Doctrine?
The Cold War, c— Paper 2R. Referring to two specific countries, explain how popular movements led to political reform. How justified were these fears? Explain how sport was used for political advantage during the Cold War. It was a sensible question - would there have been dedicated support helicopters for home defence? Refer to at least three specific people or events in your answer. Accuracy: A team of editors takes feedback from our visitors to keep trivia as up to date and as accurate as possible. Complete quiz index can be found here: Cold War Quizzes There are 22 questions on this topic. How did his actions and policies contribute to ending the Cold War?
Why did Moscow agree to install ballistic missiles on the island of Cuba? This site is created by Alpha History and contains , words in pages. Why did this coup fail? Discuss the outcomes of the Yalta and Potsdam conferences regarding the post-war world. I hope your understanding of the topic increases after you finish the quiz. This goes more into home office war book questions; Which I need to get my grubby paws on Tehran and Yalta. What is it known as? Describe the objectives of the Cuban Revolution. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. Who initiated the reform movement in Poland? Specimen Morning Time allowed: 2 hours 30 minutes. How was Gorbachev different to his predecessors?
Paper Reference. Don't get me started on the glock pistol and how the Mk 1 Inglis should be used to this day! Discover curriculum-aligned practice question sets for the Edexcel History curriculum below. Research three peace or disarmament movements that were active during the Cold War. Here is a basic quiz on the Cold War. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Publisher: Alpha History Why did Germany evolve into two separate states between and ? What were their grievances and objectives? Harry and Megan: How long will it last? They can also be used for short-answer questions, homework activities and other research or revision tasks.
Discuss how the Korean air disaster and the Soviet response to this disaster affected the US-Soviet relationship. In your answer, refer to three examples of individuals who appeared before HUAC. What else do you know about it? Cold War brinkmanship caused extreme East-West tension. Communism is a system in which It expressed how much the US wanted countries to go to the capitalist side. March 21, by Answerout. Loading… If you enjoyed this quiz and would like to try some more, you can view our full set of quizzes here.
What people, policies and events contributed to this separate development? West Berlin was in the Soviet sector of Germany. What factors brought about the dissolution of the Soviet Union in How and why did this involvement increase during the s? How legitimate were these fears? For more than a decade, our writing team has handled countless essay questions on the Cold War. Democracy will prevent further wars! How did music challenge or change ideas and attitudes? Evaluate the government, economy and society of West Germany between and What methods did they use to capture power and rebuild Russia? With the reveal trailer of Cold War coming out, there are a few questions fans have regarding the campaign, Zombies, and Warzone.
Answer: After the Second World War. This war was unlike other wars in which the two sides never clashed directly in battle. Cold War memory quiz — events to , Cold War memory quiz — events to , Cold War memory quiz — events to , Cold War memory quiz — terms and concepts I , Cold War memory quiz — terms and concepts II. Date accessed: April 02, Copyright: The content on this page may not be republished without our express permission. How did socialism in these countries compare to that in Soviet bloc nations? Our online cold war trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top cold war quizzes. This hostility between the two superpowers was first given its name by George Orwell in an article published in How successful were these treaties at easing Cold War tensions? Summarise the economic policy of East Germany between and What were the outcomes and political effects of this response? What kind of society did he seek to create? John Adney Answered: Apr 04, Why is the handling of the Cuban missile crisis referred to as an example of brinkmanship?
To what extent was Castro a communist? What did American policymakers hope to achieve? This Cold War site contains articles, perspectives and sources on global events and tensions between and Take this quiz to test your knowledge about the Cold War. What brought about the fall of the Berlin Wall in ? The outbreak of the Cold War was due to the different ways of thinking i. The start of the cold war. Evaluate John F. Social Studies. Discuss how ideas of normality were represented in popular culture, such as television. Great for home study or to use within the classroom environment. Why was this move unacceptable to the United States?
Germany and Italy Question 7 Explanation: The three nations were not a truly coordinated alliance in the strategic sense, but they stood together to promote their agendas of expansion and conquest. Although Germany would work with the Soviet Union early on in the war, one of the key goals of the Axis alliance was to neutralize and eliminate Soviet Communism. Question 8 What was the result of the Battle of Britain? A Hitler relentlessly bombed and harassed Great Britain, but was not able to take control of the island nation. D French forces used the battle as a distraction to reclaim their country from the Nazi invaders. Hitler was forced to give up the attack to prevent further losses to his air force. Question 9 How did America respond to the war in Europe in the late s? A America immediately joined in the conflict by sending weapons, money, and troops to England in large quantities.
B America continued a policy of neutrality, but began putting pieces in place to prepare for war. C The American public and political leaders were largely unmoved by the war growing in Europe and felt little concern for its impact. D America doubled-down on even stricter neutrality policies to make it even more unlikely America would enter the European war. Meanwhile, steps were taken to bolster the American navy, to lay the legal groundwork for a potential draft, and to begin building up the military-industrial complex as a means of earning much needed revenue from the sale of arms to allies. A The act allowed American business to take out loans from foreign banks for the first time since before World War I. B The act permitted the sale, lease, or loan of arms and funds to other countries as long as it would prove to be a benefit to America.
C It shut down any bank with German or Italian holdings. D It allowed foreign nations to borrow American war experts as consultants in an effort to prevent further American involvement in the war. The funds and arms were desperately needed by the British in their continued efforts to fend off the Nazis. A Roosevelt imposed harsh economic sanctions upon Japan. B Roosevelt launched a full naval assault on Japan. C Roosevelt convinced Britain to lend ships and troops to help slow the Japanese expansion. D all of the above Question 11 Explanation: Roosevelt cut off Japan from any of their assets held in American banks and put a stop to trade deals that were supplying Japan with fuel and resources to continue their aggressions. Question 12 What event finally led to America formally entering the war against the Axis Powers? The surprise attack cost America over 2, soldiers, hundreds of grounded aircraft, and over a dozen warships.
Within days, Congress had declared war on Japan, Germany, and Italy. Question 13 How did involvement in the war affect the American economy. A America was unprepared for the economic burdens of war and fell into a recession. B The American economy remained largely isolated from foreign affairs and thus was unaffected by the war. C The war led to a boom in industrial production and a major increase in employment. D The American economy thrived during the war thanks to a renewed focus on agriculture rather than industry. Question 13 Explanation: The war effort was a crucial factor in the recovery of the American economy still reeling from the Great Depression and the subsequent recession. While many Americans felt the pains of resource rationing in their own homes, the American economy saw huge gains on the whole. Question 14 How did the war impact the lives of American women?
A Women joined the military in record numbers. B Women joined the work force in record numbers. C Women participated in war efforts at home like growing gardens and finding creative ways to do without rationed items. D all of the above Question 14 Explanation: The war provided numerous ways for American women to support the war cause.
Women took on active roles in jobs and positions that had typically been thought of as only suitable for men. A Tens of thousands of Japanese Americans served as American translators and spies in the counter-offensive against the Japanese. B Over , Japanese Americans were relocated to internment camps and held there for the majority of the war. C Japanese-Americans were able to find jobs in record numbers thanks to the large proportion of the American male population fighting overseas. D Japanese-Americans were treated no differently than any other American culture group during the war. The prisoners were forced to live in harsh, cramped conditions away from their homes and possessions for no other reason than public paranoia surrounding their ethnicity. It would take America until to formally apologize for the injustice. Question 16 Where did the Allies choose to begin their joint assault against the European Axis powers in ?
But the two superpowers continually antagonized each other through political maneuvering, military coalitions, espionage, propaganda, arms buildups, economic aid, and proxy wars between other nations. But the alliance began to crumble as soon as the war in Europe ended in May Tensions were apparent in July during the Potsdam Conference, where the victorious Allies negotiated the joint occupation of Germany.
The Soviet Union was determined to have a buffer zone between its borders and Western Europe. As the Soviets tightened their grip on Eastern Europe, the United States embarked on a policy of containment to prevent the spread of Soviet and communist influence in Western European nations such as France, Italy, and Greece. During the s, the United States reversed its traditional reluctance to become involved in European affairs. The Truman Doctrine pledged aid to governments threatened by communist subversion. The Marshall Plan provided billions of dollars in economic assistance to eliminate the political instability that could open the way for communist takeovers of democratically elected governments. France, England, and the United States administered sectors of the city of Berlin, deep inside communist East Germany. When the Soviets cut off all road and rail traffic to the city in , the United States and Great Britain responded with a massive airlift that supplied the besieged city for days until the blockade was lifted.
But conflict spread to Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The struggle to overthrow colonial regimes frequently became entangled in Cold War tensions, and the superpowers competed to influence anti-colonial movements. In , the communists triumphed in the Chinese civil war, and the world's most populous nation joined the Soviet Union as a Cold War adversary. Communist China intervened to support North Korea, and bloody campaigns stretched on for three years until a truce was signed in In , the colonial French regime fell in Vietnam. The United States supported a military government in South Vietnam and worked to prevent free elections that might have unified the country under the control of communist North Vietnam. In response to the threat, the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization SEATO was formed in to prevent communist expansion, and President Eisenhower sent some military personnel as well as military and economic aid to the government of South Vietnam.
The effort was foundering when John F. Kennedy took office. Closer to home, the Cuban resistance movement led by Fidel Castro deposed the pro-American military dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista in Castro's Cuba quickly became militarily and economically dependent on the Soviet Union. The United States' main rival in the Cold War had established a foothold just ninety miles off the coast of Florida. Kennedy and the Cold War Cold War rhetoric dominated the presidential campaign. Senator John F. Kennedy and Vice President Richard M. Nixon both pledged to strengthen American military forces and promised a tough stance against the Soviet Union and international communism. Kennedy warned of the Soviet's growing arsenal of intercontinental ballistic missiles and pledged to revitalize American nuclear forces.
He also criticized the Eisenhower administration for permitting the establishment of a pro-Soviet government in Cuba. John F. Kennedy was the first American president born in the 20th century. The Cold War and the nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union were vital international issues throughout his political career. His inaugural address stressed the contest between the free world and the communist world, and he pledged that the American people would "pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty.
The plan anticipated that support from the Cuban people and perhaps even elements of the Cuban military would lead to the overthrow of Castro and the establishment of a non-communist government friendly to the United States. Kennedy approved the operation and some 1, exiles landed at Cuba's Bay of Pigs on April The entire force was either killed or captured, and Kennedy took full responsibility for the failure of the operation. See a memorandum below outlining the main points of conversation between President Kennedy and Khrushchev at their first lunch meeting. Kennedy was surprised by Khrushchev's combative tone during the summit. At one point, Khrushchev threatened to cut off Allied access to Berlin. As a result of these threatening developments, Kennedy ordered substantial increases in American intercontinental ballistic missile forces.
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