YOU WERE LOOKING FOR: Chapter Test B Continued Answers
The Great Mutiny c. First War of Independence d. Great Britain's imperialist policies b. Napoleon's imperialist policies c. Russia's southern expansion pattern d. Race for Africa.
Of the following materials, sound waves travel fastest through a. The point at which a ray crosses a wave front corresponds to a of a sound wave. A train moves down the track toward an observer. The sound from the train, as heard by the observer, is...
In the figure shown above, a beat occurs at a. Unlike a transverse wave on a rope, sound travels as a n wave. Each trough of a sine wave used to represent a sound wave corresponds to a n of the sound wave. What happens to pitch when the frequency of a sound wave increases? Under what conditions can a spherical wave front be regarded as a plane wave front? If you are a long distance away from the source - the radius of curvature is bigger Describe any changes in pitch of the sound a stationary observer hears from the siren of an ambulance as the ambulance passes the observer. As the ambulance moving towards the observer, he hears a higher pitch. Once it passes, the observers hears a lower pitch.
What happens to the intensity of a sound as the distance from the source increases from 10 m to 20 m? Suppose you play a music CD in a room where there is a piano. During the silence between songs, you hear a musical note coming from the piano, but no one has touched the piano. Explain your observation. The note played on a CD matched the natural frequency of one of the strings and resonance occured. It is possible for a highly amplified musical note to cause a crystal goblet to shatter. Explain how this might occur. If the note's frequency matches that of the goblet, resonance will occur. And if the note is amplified enough played close to the goblet , played for a long enough time, the vibrations in the goblet will increase and cause it to shatter. What is the intensity of sound waves produced by a trumpet at a distance of 1. Closed-end organ pipes often have a movable closure that can be adjusted up or down to tune the pipe to the desired pitch.
The resonant length of a certain closed-end pipe is By how many centimeters must this pipe be shortened or lengthened in order to tune it to a fundamental frequency of Hz? The length of the pipe should be As two notes are sounded, 6 beats per second are heard. The frequency of one note is Hz. What is the frequency of the other note? Holt Physics 96 Chapter Test Related documents.
The discovery of cells is linked most directly with a. Which of the following are components of the plasma membrane that have a significant role in its functioning? In which of the following types of cells would you expect to find a large number of mitochondria? All rights reserved. Microfilaments and microtubules a. Which of the following is the correct order of structures in living things, from the simplest to the most complex? Short, hairlike organelles that can move and may cover a unicellular organism or line the respiratory tract are called a. Name two functions of the proteins embedded in the plasma membrane. They transport substances across the membrane and aid in protein synthesis.
They store wastes and form the outer layer of the membrane. They serve as attachment sites for molecules in the extracellular fluid and transport substances across the membrane. They aid in cell movement and serve as attachment sites for molecules in the extracellular fluid. Which of the following membrane proteins are integral proteins? Which of the following statements is true? Colonial organisms are multicellular. Colonial organisms are unicellular. Colonial organisms have specialized tissues. The cells of colonial organisms are genetically different from each other. Which scientist determined that cells come only from other cells? Schwann b. Schleiden d. Which of the following helps plant cells remain rigid? The structures labeled A are a. The structure labeled B is a. The structure labeled C is a n a.
Read each question, and write your answer in the space provided. What are the three parts of the cell theory? Name two different kinds of animal cells, and describe how their shape is related to their function. Describe two differences between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. Refer to the diagram below to answer question The diagram depicts a plant cell. Write the names of structures a—e in the blanks. Which of these structures are found in plants but not in animals? What are the major roles of the nucleus, and what parts of the nucleus carry out these roles? What is a colonial organism, and what does it have in common with a multicellular organism? Where in the cell do the following steps of energy conversion occur? Glucose taken into the cell b. Glucose boken down to yield ATP c. Answers will vary. Nerve cells are specialized for transmitting nerve impulses. Answers include the following: eukaryotes contain a membrane-bound nucleus and other organelles; prokaryotes do not.
The central vacuole, chloroplast, and cell wall are found in plants but not in animals. Ribosomes are synthesized and partially assembled in the nucleolus. The contents of the nucleus are enclosed by the nuclear envelope. RNA is synthesized in the nucleus and then passes into the cytoplasm through pores in the nuclear envelope. A colonial organism is a collection of genetically identical cells that live together in a closely connected group.
It is thought that multicellular organisms arose from a colonial ancestor. Some unicellular eukaryotes have contractile vacuoles that collect excess water and pump it out of the cell. Many animal cells increase the water concentration inside the cell by removing dissolved particles from the cytoplasm to maintain homeostasis. If cells are not able to prevent excess water from entering the cell, they may expand and eventually burst.
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This chapter talks about the basics of coordinate geometry. In this topic you will learn about the most useful math concept for creating video game graphics: geometric transformations, specifically translations, rotations, reflections, and dilations. Read each question carefully to make sure you understand the type of answer required.
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To Learn the Basic Elements of Geometry. Use the information given in the diagram. Toward schemes 97 3. How do you backflip in geometry dash? You double tap. He considered every triangle—planar or spherical—as being inscribed in a circle, so that each side becomes a chord that is, a straight line that connects two points on a curve or surface, as shown by the inscribed triangle ABC in. No teams 1 team 2 teams 3 teams 4 teams 5 teams 6 teams 7 teams 8 teams 9 teams 10 teams Custom. Remember, chapter 6 was all about quadrilaterals. Test questions are written by the committee and by other faculty who are also subject-matter specialists and by subject-matter specialists at ETS.
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Sustainable development means A improving people's lives in the present in a way that can continue far into the future. B providing ever-increasing amounts of adequate housing. C continued growth indefinitely as long as it can be paid off. D utilizing an ever-increasing quantity of natural resources. B their homelands contain a huge proportion of earth's biodiversity. C their languages represent encoded knowledge of nature that is irreplaceable. D all of the above are correct. B Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, alerting the public to the dangers of pollution in C Roosevelt's warnings about overuse a century ago. D Plato's writings years ago.
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