2010 National Latin Exam Answers

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The MBE is a six-hour, question, multiple-choice test. Roughly 30 percent of the MBE questions that are asked on one administration such as July have been used previously. ACT uses the data on these repeated items to adjust MBE raw scores for...

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Board members and experienced attorney graders then score the answers to each question on a 1 to point scale. The Texas Board of Law Examiners is responsible for creating these questions and they and their associates grade the responses to each...

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Preliminary Analyses It is well recognized that grading standards vary across law schools. However, several analyses require combining LGPAs across schools. Thus, to adjust for possible differences in grading standards among schools, we converted the LGPAs within a school to a score distribution that had the same mean and standard deviation as the distribution of the LSAT scores at that school. This conversion is used throughout this report. Men and women had virtually identical passing rates There also were nearly identical numbers of men and women in our nine-school sample and , respectively. Men and women had very similar mean LGPAs.

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Check out the bottom of the page for a daily figure of speech calendar. Welcome to AP Vergil Links This page focuses on resources for teachers and students preparing for the AP Vergil exam, rather than the wider world of Vergilian or Aeneid resources on the web. Perhaps you can obtain further assistance by searching one of the other pages at this site via the site navigation to the left of the screen. The links have been updated in time for the AP Vergil exam. NOTE: This page contains annotated links of those sites and pages that provide teacher-student online resources for AP Vergil, but not class pages that simply list assignments.

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If you have online materials for the Vergil syllabus, please contact me through the Guestbook so that I may add a link to your resources. I might create a comprehensive teachers' assignment pages list somewhere else if enough teachers requested it. Besides obtaining general information about the AP exams registration, calendar, costs , from this page it is also possible to download the entire course bulletin in pdf format ; access further details of the exam itself in pdf format , including the breakdown of the multiple choice question types; examine sample questions in pdf format on this page ; view the score distributions. The AP Aeneid Page of Your Host : This site contains numerous links to resources of interest online texts of the Aeneid, Iliad, and Odyssey; online commentaries in English and German; metasites of relevance; sound files of the Aeneid in Latin; information on meter and figures of speech , but focuses on practice materials grammar, vocabulary, meter, figures of speech, content, sight reading for each portion of the syllabus and contains over 25 of the world's only online AP-style reading passages of both poetry and prose that visitors may take online!

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McGlennon at the Maret School : This Quia page contains a number of valuable practices for vocabulary, figures of speech, quotations, and Roman history. Its primary contribution consists of several years' worth of old National Latin Exams transformed into online multiple choice quizzes. In at least one case, the text for the site reading portion is missing. The list of links is also valuable. It also has a large list of valuable links. The Aeneid Page of Magistra Gilmore : This Quia page offers vocabulary practices for the complete Book 1 AP syllabus vocabulary and portions of the syllabus vocabulary for Books 2 and 4. It also has separate practices for verb conjugations, important deponent verbs, adjectives that require special cases, and preparation for the National Latin Exam. No links. Students may test their knowledge of the epic on one page and check the answers on another. Magistra Bloomberg's Vergil Page at Dana Hall : Numerous practices of vocabulary, grammar, and contents of the Aeneid, plus many useful links, highlight this Quia page.

National Latin Exam resources

The Aeneid Page of Mr. Odhner : A Quia page with vocabulary, figure of speech, myth, and grammar practices, plus a small number of links. You will be directed to a version of the Aeneid in which every word of the text is hyperlinked. Click on any word, and you will be provided with invaluable information about grammar and even translation. Melissa Schons Bishop's AP Vergil Page : Check out the useful vocabulary practices linked from this main page plus the materials for scansion and figures of speech. Each term of the school year has its own page, which includes Dr. Bishop's "magic" vocab lists: all the vocabulary of each passage as it occurs in the text! It contains vocabulary practices for both Song of War and Pharr's Aeneid along with a few years of National Latin Exam practices of poetry and grammar.

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Jennifer M. The hangman games for figures of speech 38 items that you had better read carefully and for background material 40 items are unique contributions worth a visit. Bruce M. Johnson's Vergil Page : A page of useful links for Vergilian study. Every day of the month there is a different figure of speech from the Aeneid. Statistics Read about a different character or place from the AP syllabus of the Aeneid every day of the month.


Informatics and IT Social Sciences usually includes psychology, sociology, economics, law, political science, philosophy and international relations Exam from these additional subjects consists only of oral part usually held in May. One exception is Mathematics which consists of both written and oral parts. Students can also choose another foreign language as additional subject. The students can choose a level of matura from the foreign language according to CEFR — B1 intermediate or B2 upper intermediate. However, this was cancelled in and now all secondary education students are required to pass the foreign language exam as a part of their matura. It should not be confused with the poklicna matura vocational leaving exam , which is the final examination at vocational schools and does not lead to university studies. Since there is no entrance examination at the vast majority of Slovenian universities programmes notable exceptions are only art and music programmes, architecture studies and sports studies , the score on this exam is the main criterion for admission grades achieved during studies also play a small part.

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It consists of three compulsory and two elective subjects. One must take Slovene Italian or Hungarian for members of minorities , Mathematics and one foreign language usually English , although French , German , Spanish , Russian , and Italian are provided, as well. It is possible to choose the second foreign language as one of the elective subjects. The leaving exam is a centralised affair, conducted by the National Examination Centre, [22] which is in charge of selecting tasks, appointing national examiners, grading the sheets and sending the scores to all Slovenian universities the applicants have applied for. Grading is somewhat complicated, as there exist three different criteria for different sets of subjects. Slovene is unique and is graded on scale of 1 to 8. It is possible to take mathematics and all foreign languages on a higher or basic level. Basic marks range from 1 to 5, whereas marks for the higher level range from 1 to 8. The examinee may only take up to two subjects on the higher level two foreign languages, or mathematics and one foreign language.

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All other subjects are graded from 1 to 5. The only failing score is 1; all other scores are passes. Thus, it is possible to gain from 10 to 34 points. Students who have achieved 30 or more points are awarded leaving exam diplomas cum laude Slovene: zlata matura 'golden leaving exam' and are usually congratulated by the president of Slovenia at a festive reception in September. Sheet 2: Students are given an unknown text from a newspaper, magazine etc. Also, students' knowledge of Slovene grammar , word-formation and spelling is tested. The last task is to form a certain type of text, being an invitation, a letter of complaint, biography etc. Oral exam: A candidate is given three questions. The first two are related to the world literature, whereas the third asks about the historical development of literary Slovene from its beginnings in the year to the present.

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The final score is expressed in points from 1 failure to 8 the highest standard of knowledge. Mathematics It is possible to take this subject on a higher or basic level. Sheet 1: Students are given approximately ten tasks, evaluating their knowledge of different fields in mathematics. This sheet accounts for Sheet 2 only on a higher level : Students are given three more difficult tasks. This sheet is worth Oral exam: An examinee is given three questions, testing their ability to prove certain theorems or explain some mathematical axioms and definitions. The final score is expressed in points from 1 failure to 5 the highest mark on a basic level or 8 the highest mark on a higher level. Foreign languages Information technology, Computer science separate Physics History Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology The nationwide leaving exam was reintroduced in Slovenia in , after all upper secondary schools had been suspended in the s and reopened in Due to the university admittance procedure, of which the first call concludes in July, applicants passing the exam in September have usually a very limited choice of university programmes for that year.

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Also a scientific Matura paper of about 25 pages has to be executed. Grades attained in classes during the last school year and at the exams, as well as the Matura paper contribute equally to the final grade. With a revision in , among others an appreciation of science subjects were carried out by individual graduation of biology, physics and chemistry, increasing the proportion of teaching mathematics and natural science subjects as well as the introduction of computer science as a supplementary subject. The required average grade to attain Matura is 4. In order to pass, all grades below 4 have to be compensated by better grades in double, and no more than four grades lower than 4 are allowed. Exams include a series of oral and written tests. Tests are typically administered by a team consisting of a teacher who was involved in the student's classes and an independent expert.

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This cantonal Matura exam is recognised in the whole country but there is no single standardised test on a national level in contrary to what exists in France, for instance where the same test with the same questions and the same themes is passed by all students on the same day.

Office of State Assessment

Lunch concerning the National Latin Exam. Since there was so much interest in the information, I thought I should spend a little time discussing some of the things that need to be reviewed before your child takes the National Latin Exam. First of all, go to www. I usually start with the most current and work backward the exam shifted a little around When you are reviewing the exams and your child is practice testing, you will notice that there are always stock questions, such as one or two conjunction questions, questions with sum, and so on. Also, the vocabulary is a bit different on the NLE so take note of that. A lot of the questions are straight memorization. All of the questions are multiple choice. There are usually twenty questions about grammar and vocabulary, ten questions on all sorts of things, and ten questions on a sight passage.

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Second, notice that from around question twenty to question thirty the questions are about English derivatives, Roman culture, mythology, and history. This can be hard because it is hard to anticipate what the questions will be. One year, all of my students missed the question for the Latin word for lunch prandium. They knew many other things, but not lunch! Also, find two maps: one of ancient Italy showing the Apennine Mountains, Brundisium, Pompeii, Tarentum, and Rome, and one showing the empire at its greatest extent. Usually, the test focuses on Italy, but sometimes it has a basic question on the Empire for which I am pretty sure our Foundations students would know the answer.

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Finally, have your child read something about Roman culture. I like the sites www. Third, have your student review some grammatical constructions they may not have seen. Also, for Latins II and III, students need to learn the irregular conjugations of the verbs sum, eo, fero, volo and possum. Conjunction questions are always popular: aut or , et and , neque and. Finally, have your students review adverbs. In Latin I or Intro, it is important that they know that first and second declension adjectives change from —us to —e to make an adverb. For example, altus meaning high becomes alte meaning highly. Finally, please stress to your student that this test can only help him or her, not hurt. It is a low pressure standardized-type test. Colleges love to see that a student has placed on the National Latin Exam. Students who do well on upper level exams can apply for a college scholarship. Bona fortuna tecum sit aut, gravius, Deus tecum sit!

2010 Acl/njcl National Latin Exam Answers links:

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National Latin Exam 2010 Answers links:

Marcus sees money in the middle of the road and shouts, Look at the money in the road! Julius hurries to the money. He holds the money in his hand and shouts, The money is mine! But I saw the money first, Marcus replies. Soon the friends are fighting. A sailor comes. He sees the friends and shouts, Dont fight. It is necessary for you to hold a contest! Julius says, We ought to sail around the island. I want to swim, Marcus replies. The sailor says, Marcus ought to swim and Julius ought to sail. The sailor gives a signal and the friends hurry to the water. The wind is good; Julius sails faster. But soon the wind stops, and Marcus touches the finish line first. The sailor shouts, Marcus is the victor!

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And so Roman priests sent ambassadors to Greece. The ambassadors were seeking aid from Aesculapius, the god of healing. The Roman men came to the temple of the god. Suddenly the Romans saw a serpent. The serpent was leaving the temple and was moving slowly to the sea. The serpent climbed up into the Roman ship. At first the sailors fled from the ship because they were frightened. Soon they returned because they perceived the serpent to be the god. The serpent hid in the middle of the ship. The sailors gave food and water to the serpent.

Acl/njcl National Latin Exam Answers

Finally after six days the sailors came to the city of Rome. The serpent climbed down from the ship and swam to the island in the Tiber river. On account of the arrival of the serpent the Romans were happy because the plague was no longer in the city. On a certain day, while tending the sheep, he came upon the body of a man of unusual size. On the finger of this man was a golden ring which Gyges took off and placed on his own finger. When he had turned the gem of this ring to his palm, Gyges was being seen by no one, but he himself was able to see all things.


After he had turned the gem from his palm back into place, all were able to see him again. And so with the help of this ring, he killed the king, and he removed those whom he was thinking were standing in the way. No one was able to see him in these evil deeds because he had turned the gem to his palm. Thus immediately the shepherd was made king of Lydia. Are we able to judge that Gyges to be wise? Not at all! A wise man is always a good man even if no one is able to observe him. Honest things, not secret things, are sought by wise men. For soothsayers announced, Whoever will have sacrificed this cow to Diana, that ones state is going to rule all lands. A Sabine farmer was hoping that this wondrous cow would give power to his state. On the first day suitable for a sacrifice, the farmer led the cow with him to Rome to the temple of Diana and stationed it before the altar.

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Meanwhile, the same words had reached the priest of the temple of Diana. There the Roman priest, since the wondrous size and fame of the cow had moved him, mindful of those words, thus addresses the Sabine: You are not, stranger, preparing to make a sacrifice to Diana impurely, are you? Why do you not purify yourself beforehand in the Tiber River which flows in the nearest valley?

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Touched by religion, the stranger, who wanted to do everything according to ritual, so that the outcome would correspond to the omen, immediately went down to the Tiber. Meanwhile, with the stranger absent, the Roman priest sacrificed the cow to Diana. Soon raging winds fell on the city, winds from whose violence the groaning of the mountains was heard. Having followed these things, a horrific trembling of the earth destroyed the city itself and the suburban places. Immediately, because very many buildings were standing on the slope of the hills, some fell on top of others with an immense sound of ruins. The peaks of the houses were resounding with the various shouts of men seeking repeatedly [their] spouses and children. Many died beneath the very weights of [their] falling houses.

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Certain ones, covered up to their neck, although they could have been saved if anyone had helped, were killed by a lack of aid. Others were hanging, impaled by the sharp points of wood sticking out. Seceral, killed by one blow, [who were] a little before men, now were seen as heaps of bodies. And a greater part of the buildings and people would have been able to survive, if, in rapid course, the fires through five days and nights had not burned up whatever was able to be consumed.

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